Our company with its service experience, use of current technology, high know-how, experienced and qualified work force, aims to ensure the continuity of the exemplary and competitive structure of its position, which is among the leading organizations on Customer Flow Management, Payments and Self Service Kiosk Solutions, adopts the following indispensable elements;
- To provide quality services to meet the demands and expectations of our customers, to maintain customer satisfaction by providing pre- and post-sales support,
- To fully realize the requirements of our management systems that enable us to be a leader in all our fields of activity and to ensure the continuous improvement of its effectiveness,
- To ensure that our services comply with customer demands, national and international standards and legal regulations and ensure their continuity,
- Increasing staff satisfaction and competencies for sustainable workforce, protecting the environment and natural resources while maintaining our activities,
- To ensure that all our employees participate, and complete the work on time,
- To prepare an honest, tolerant, respectful and self-sacrificing working environment for continuous education, development and improvement of our employees in a team spirit,
- To carry out activities to ensure the confidentiality of customer and personnel information to all employees and to protect the confidentiality principle,
- Identify, assess and reduce the risks related to the confidentiality, integrity and access of information to acceptable levels,
- Minimizing weaknesses and threats by investing on infrastructure, working environment, hardware, software and education,
- Implementing the necessary controls for all information assets,
- Measuring the performance of information security processes, generating targets from these data. To meet the information security requirements of our business, our customers and legal requirements,
- To ensure that the achievements we have within the framework of our company policy are sustainable, aim for higher levels, and ensure that our brand awareness is developed within the common and fundamental objectives of our employees.
General Manager
Please click here to download our Quality and Data Security document